Tilde Meeting Assistant
Видавець: Tilde.com
Tilde Meeting Assistant is a multilingual virtual assistant that transcribes and prepares notes.
NB! Please note that currently the solution is only available to early adopters. To become one of the early adopters of Tilde Meeting Assistant, please, reach out to us at meetingassistant@tilde.com and we will provide you with the necessary access credentials.
Enhance any Microsoft Teams meeting with the Tilde Meeting Assistant
The Tilde Meeting Assistant will transcribe, archive, and let you share meeting transcripts, while your team focuses on the discussion at hand!
Save time and money by using our intelligent meeting assistant
To find out more visit https://www.tilde.com/products-and-services/meeting-assistant
Take notes automatically
Capture the discussion and identify speakers in meetings automatically
Fewer meetings – higher productivity
Unable to attend a meeting? Can’t recall who said what? No problem! Retrieve a transcript of the meeting and be up to date.
Keep track of meetings with structured, timestamped transcripts
Track and manage, and share who said what, when, and during which meeting.
Overcome language barriers
The Tilde Meeting Assistant is multi-lingual! Select the target language from those available and follow the meeting as it is transcribed and translated in real time on the intuitive sidebar panel.
To become an early adaptor of this app – please reach out to us at meetingassistant@tilde.com or through our contact form here: https://tilde.com/products-and-services/meeting-assistant/get-in-touch
For information on use, and cases follow the link here: https://www.tilde.com/products-and-services/meeting-assistant/case-study
For set-up instructions please refer to the link here: https://www.tilde.com/products-and-services/meeting-assistant/setup
Currently available in English, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, German and Russian.
Можливості програми
- надсилати дані через Інтернет
- Ця програма може отримувати доступ до персональних даних в активному повідомленні, наприклад номерів телефонів, поштових адрес або URL-адрес. Програма може надсилати ці дані сторонній службі. Вона не може читати або змінювати інші елементи у вашій поштовій скриньці.