Видавець: 拓月软件(深圳)有限公司
Smart tool for Real Estate Investment institutional participants to interact with Moonbase models
Use of this add-in is governed by the Moonbase User License Agreement and users would require a Moonbase license to use this add-in. If you don’t have any Moonbase account yet, please contact us by filling in the form at the bottom of or on the add-in simply clicking on “Register New User” and “Need New Company Account?” and filling into your details. We will get in touch as soon as we receive your request. Additional Purchases may be required.
Key features
Access to Moonbase models
You can download and interact with Moonbase models via a few button clicks on the add-in, including model calculations, updating metrics, inserting/deleting sections, etc.
Create and Import your own custom reports
The add-in enables you to export the sheets you created to a new workbook as a reusable module, which you can plug into another Moonbase model, or just as a report.
Manage your portfolio
The Moonbase portfolio model will aggregate your data from property models and run analysis. You can override assumptions, create new property models, insert/remove property models by using the add-in.
Create report templates and drop data
You will be able to create a .docx or .pptx report template with data linked to a Moonbase model, which you can relink to another model for data update and will save your time!
Можливості програми
- читати документ і вносити в нього зміни
- надсилати дані через Інтернет