Visualize images in Power BI.
Images can be visualized the following ways:
- Top list. The size of the images are proportional to the sort order. First in sort order => largest image.
- Weighted list. The size of the images are proportional to the value of the measure. Largest value => largest image.
- Grid. Images are presented in a table layout (grid) according to sort order. First in sort order => top of table.
Images can also be visualized according to different resolutions, depending on size in visual. Use the low/high quality properties if you have different resolutions for your images.
Можливості візуалізації
Під час використання ця візуалізація може
- отримувати доступ до зовнішніх служб або ресурсів
Стислий огляд
Інші програми Fredrik Hedenström
ScrollerFredrik HedenströmYour data gets visualized as an animating scrolling text.
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
NaN out of 3
Summary TableFredrik HedenströmRenders a table with summary rows and make it possible to apply custom styles to any row and column.
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
NaN out of 3
KPI IndicatorFredrik HedenströmVisualization of key performance indicators. Includes visualization of status, trend and deviation.
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
NaN out of 3