Bar Chart with Dynamic Range Creation

Видавець: Office Solution

(10 оцінки)
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Bar Chart with Dynamic Range Creation

Bar Chart with Dynamic Range Creation by Office Solution helps users analyse data by creating X Axis buckets/ category themselves which means users can define at what bucket level they want to aggregate numbers . Key features: 1 Users can create numeric aggregations buckets as per their req at run time 2 Users can draw an additional Average line at each individual bar level or overall chart level 3 Users can compare individual KPI is going up or down in respect to another KPI 4 Business users can change X Axis dimensions/Measure dynamically at run time 5 Business users can change Y Axis dimensions/Measure dynamically at run time 6 Business users can change X Legends dynamically at run time 7 Business users can focus only top 5 or top 10 areas 8 Users can use an additional KPI which can be draw in the form of Icons at the last of bar with conditional formatting applied , it helps in assessing if our key KPI indicators are doing well or not. For any feature requests or questions about this visual, please send an e-mail to our team at For more information about us please visit us at: Visual capabilities When this visual is used, it • Can access external services or resources Trial Key Key:545654554b57564b5456

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