ABB Ability™ Operations Data Management Zenon

Видавець: ABB

As an open HMI and Operations Data Management System Connects - Collects data - Collaborates

As an open HMI and Operations Data Management System, zenon securely delivers supervision, control, data acquisition, scheduling and performance reporting to production assets, scaling from single machines to complete production lines.

ABB zenon's multi user engineering capabilities and object oriented design ensures low startup cost and high engineering productivity. The long life cycle of ten years and backwards compatibility help protecting our customers' investment.

Why customers use Data Management zenon

- Quick Installation
- Long software lifecycle
- Simplified supply chain and integration
- Saving operation costs
- A secure system
- Easy to use and customizable

Operator's Benefits

- Due to intelligent pump control software combined with ABB drives, savings up to 30% or more of energy costs possible
- State of the art technologies fulfils todays requirements and are open for new topics

System Integrator's Benefits

- Due to ready build up solutions it can save development costs and time.
- Quick and easy integration into existing infrastructure based on different kind of communication channels and protocols

Benefits for Engineering Office

- Standard solutions are tried and tested -> Less project risks
- Continuous architecture from drive up to SCADA
- Meets the safety recommendations of protection at the internet

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