Inn 4 HR

Видавець: AIVENTU

Inn 4 HR helps to manage all HR processes. Assessments are easier with our rich dictionary skills

Inn 4 HR comes as an outcome of twenty years worth of HR expertise. Since 2014, INN 4 HR has had the Certified for Microsoft Dynamics (CfMD) label. It can be integrated to different ERP modules as a vertical for Microsoft Dynamics solution or as an independent HRIS that connects to your information system.

Covered Needs

  • Our solution covers the specific needs of your HR managers and employees.
  • Administrative management
  • Organizational and recruitment processes management
  • Training and development management
  • Dashboard and reporting set

Optimised Assessments

  • A dictionary of skills with detailed levels
  • Defined soft, technical, managerial and shared skills
  • On a single platform

A solved talent mobility issue

  • Find the right candidate
  • Efficient onboarding
  • Service sustainability

An enhanced career management

  • Vertical and horizontal evolution
  • Intragroup evolution
  • Treasure human capital

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