BankSight Intelligent Banking CRM

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The First Intelligent Banking CRM™ 100% Purpose Built for Banks and Credit Unions

BankSight consolidates and analyzes the data financial institutions already have to help bankers and wealth managers understand the full scope of complex customer and household relationships and delivers timely, personalized AI-driven recommendations to grow them.

BankSight helps banks and credit unions transform their customer experience by identifying relationship gaps and time-sensitive events, recommending “Next Best Conversations” to serve each customer better, and managing the resulting leads and referrals.

Instead of piecing customer insights together across multiple tools and manually tracking relationship-building activity, bankers can now focus on growing customer relationships. This dramatically increases cross-sell and referral ratios, boosts customer satisfaction, and drives user adoption significantly higher than industry averages.

BankSight runs on the Microsoft Business Applications Platform, including Dynamics 365 and Azure with rich content from LinkedIn. Based on a banking-specific data model and an open integration architecture including pre-built connectors to common core, LOS, and other financial systems, BankSight can be deployed in 1/3 the time and at a fraction of the cost of traditional cross-industry CRM.

As service grows more personalized and value-oriented across industries, banking customers expect the same tailored engagement and relevant advice they receive from Amazon, Pinterest, Netflix, and LinkedIn. Deliver it with BankSight.


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