Cadac Organice TaskForce:

Видавець: Cadac Group B.V.

Document Control Solution on SharePoint Online made easy

Cadac Organice TaskForce is a SharePoint Online add-in that allows you to issue tasks and transmittals in order to improve your engineering document management. Use this innovative tool to easily share and collaborate on engineering documents with colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders both inside and outside your organisation.

Efficiently manage your tasks and transmittals in SharePoint

Do you have Office 365, then you have your SharePoint Online licenses already. Manage and share your engineering data and documents with Cadac Organice TaskForce, an innovative SharePoint add-in that gives you control of engineering projects. This allows you to improve your SharePoint document management significantly.

Organice TaskForce is licensed with a subscription. All SharePoint users that actively use TaskForce require a license. External task recipients do not require a license.

Keep your project files organised

With 60% of enterprises using SharePoint as their strategic enterprise content management platform to keep their project files organised, Cadac launched the user-friendly SharePoint Add-in TaskForce.

TaskForce is one easy-to-use, SharePoint-based tool to manage all your document tasks. It expands basic SharePoint functionality with effortlessly controlled task management and document sharing features.

Why you should use Cadac Organice TaskForce

Save time, be effective, take control, and involve everyone with this SharePoint Add-in.

  • Improve your SharePoint document management with Cadac Organice TaskForce
  • SaaS based engineering data management solution for SharePoint Online
  • Create transmittals in SharePoint for both internal and external parties
  • Assign tasks on documents and record task creation, progress and history

Cadac Support is freely included in your licence. This way, you can submit software questions 24/7 and our experts will give you advice in order for you to get the most out of your new software. In addition, you can add installation support to your subscription.

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