Schoofi School and college management system


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Schoofi is an innovative mobile based platform connecting Schools with Parents/Students in real-time

"Schoofi" is an innovative system for schools and enables all key stakeholders to stay in touch. School Management, Teachers, Parents, Students, Admin Staff, and all relevant entities are connected in real-time. Parents and Students get all relevant updates regarding attendance, assignments, assessments, fees, school planner, events, lesson plans, exam results, diary notes, school announcements and notices in real-time.

Key Modules

• Employee / Student Information Management

• Attendance Management (Employees & Students)

• Leave Management (Employees & Students)

• Real-Time Fee Management & Fee Payments

• Live Bus Tracking / Bus Attendance with Notifications

• Learning/Lesson Plan by Subject / Resource Center

• Event Management

• Examination & Evaluation

• Library Management

• Hostel Management

• Announcements & Notices with Notifications / SMS

• Online Diary

• Visitor Management

• Yearly Planner

• Student Health Report & Detailed Report Card

• Access Control in School / Hostel etc

• Surveys & Polls

• Feedback management – Subject-wise Feedback/Report

• Royalty management

• Stock Management

• Birthday Notifications to Students / Employees

Salient Features

1. Better Control by school management

a. Analytical Dashboards – Attendance, Fees, Academic Results etc

b. Real-Time Bus Tracking

2. Online Fee Payment and Reminders

a. Fee Payment by Parents on phone with Reminders

3. Increased Efficiencies & Reduced workload for teachers

a. One Touch Attendance Management

4. Kids Safety and Security

a. Real-Time Bus Tracking by Parents and School Management

b. Detailed route map with map details of every bus

c. Parents can track the bus their kids on the map

d. Notifications are sent to parents for the buses reaching their stop

5. Better Stakeholder Participation

a. Announcements

b. 360 Feedback

Other Salient Features

· Zero Upfront Investment

· Zero Investments on Hardware / Software

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