Chrysalis eJudiciary

Видавець: CrimsonLogic

Integrated multi-agency Filing & Case Management System with global track record

Chrysalis eJudiciary Digitally Transform the legal systems by connecting the judiciary, government agencies, legal sector and public for effective collaboration and transparency. A fully web-based and highly configurable product built for digital transformation of the Judiciary. Proven global track record from serving numerous courts in 12 countries.

Feature rich modules tailored for every role of end-to-end judicial process. Strengthens the legal sector by making it more accessible and integrated, where collaboration among the judiciary, government agencies, legal professionals and public is enhanced. Fully customizable and scalable product. Enables users to conveniently perform their tasks from anywhere using any device.

Why choose Chrysalis eJudiciary?

  • Access to justice enhanced through proactive collaboration and engagement among the legal community and its stakeholders
  • Improves efficiency and productivity by streamlining and automating workflows
  • Enhance transparency and effectiveness of the entire legal sector to improve the quality of justice

Features of eJudiciary

1.    E-Filing

      a. Case Filing wizard

      b. Service of Documents

      c. Calendaring

      d. Case & Party Search

      e. Requests to Courts

      f. Pack and Go

      g. eBundle

      h. Case Hearing Index

2.    Case Management System

      a. Case File Actions

      b. Workflow by case parameters

      c. Case Number - Pattern based

      d. Case Assignment - Auto/Manual

      e. Document Generation

      f. Mobile Court

      g. Pack & Go

      h. Transfer case

3.    Hearing Management

       a. Hearing Schedule

       b. Virtual Hearing

       c. Case Hearing Index

       d. Hearing lists

       e. Court Room Listing

4.    Standing Account

5.    Collaboration

6.    Multi-Language & Locale aware

7.    Administration

8.    Templates 

9.    Fees & Charges

10.  Workflow & Task Management

11.  Reports, Dashboards & Data Analytics

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