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LinuxSequre provides SSH access protection and LDAP integration for automated user provisioning

Most organizations are planning or have already went through a digital transformation leveraging all the advantages offered by Azure cloud data center. This transition introduces complex environments comprising of heterogenous environments with mixed operating systems, which often results in duplicity of tools, processes, expertise and challenges. When trying to apply a consolidated and streamlined cyber security remote access policy, the numerous management points for user identity validation and provisioning introduces new risks to the organization.

Remote SSH access to Linux system hosted in Azure environments relies mainly on the validation of a user and password which as we know is not enough to protect against hackers. It is vital to include an additional security layer in the form of a strong factor authentication but the complexity of environments and legacy technologies makes the cyber security objective difficult to reach

LinuxseQure provides a solution that not only increases the protection of your Linux systems, but also provides a single point of management in terms of user provisioning. A central point of management for the user account lifecycle providing and removing access rights for both Windows and Linux systems through your corporate user directory.

LinixseQure can be deployed to all your systems, both on premise and in the Azure cloud, in matters of minutes and enforce remote access policies such as combining 2 or 3 factors. The process makes it difficult for malicious users to gain access to the machine. Moreover, the solution offers ease of use by leveraging your Azure AD in that it binds all machines to AD-centralized location, making it simple to validate user’s passwords. In effect, LinuxseQure makes it straightforward for Linux clients to simulate the onboarding of users and machines into the domain. LinuxseQure supports RADIUS, OpenID and REST API for first and second factor validation

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