Fund Accounting

Видавець: HSO

Gain a competitive advantage and increase profitability

Any firm or company with fund entities—private equity firms, asset management firms, hedge funds, and family offices—needs a platform that gives them a competitive advantage and increases profitability. With HSO’s solution for Fund Accounting, you get support of complex fund family structures, enabling the management of the reimbursable expenses of those structures.

HSO's Fund Accounting gives you everything you need in a single, integrated solution:

  • Have a complete audit trail, from the fund entity through the fund structure, across to the management company to the original Accounts Payable transaction and invoice copy.
  • Manage financial processes for expense allocation and/or fund accounting, depending on your requirements.
  • Use it as a single, end-to-end solution for all your needs or integrate it with the fund accounting tools your management companies use.

Whether you’re using HSO’s Fund Accounting for management companies or fund entities, HSO provides you with visibility and transparency of the end-to-end flow of all your transaction allocations. You’ll get:

√ Lower transaction costs, better margins

√ Improved security, compliance, and traceability

√ The ability to provide better, more proactive client service

√ Improved data accuracy, visibility, and transparency

√ Scalability and flexibility for growth and expansion of entities, currencies, taxation, and reporting requirements

For management companies

HSO’s Fund Accounting helps you:

  • maintain books and records for your management companies,
  • drive accurate allocations with complete transparency,
  • and generate intercompany entries on fund and corporate accounting books.

By automating your processes, you can consolidate hundreds of entities on multiple levels in minutes, regardless of complexity. You get the flexibility to work more efficiently and offer more options to investors, like billing top-level fund families or managing down to each sub-fund company, integrated with your fund accounting tool.

For fund entities

Regardless of how complex your funds are structured, you have what you need with HSO’s Fund Accounting. Beyond a typical ERP:

  • you get the tools you need to maintain books and records for your investment portfolio,
  • perform capital calls and distributions to investors,
  • and provide reporting to management on the performance of fund assets and allocations.

If you’re using HSO’s Fund Accounting for both your management companies and fund accounting, you’re at an instant advantage. With one system, your data is always up to date and correct. With confidence in your data and the ability to access it in near real time, you won’t have to worry about reconciliations between fund accounting, financials, and data warehouses, and you’ll get reports you can depend on.

Ready to schedule a demo of Fund Accounting, or have additional questions? Please fill in the contact form to connect for a personalized demo.

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