wholesale360 by HSO

Видавець: HSO

Gain a 360-degree view of your wholesale & distribution business. Any time, from any location.

Streamline operations, build a resilient supply chain and optimize customer experience

Built on the industry-leading Microsoft Dynamics 365 cloud platform, wholesale360 is designed to meet industry challenges head-on, providing wholesalers and distributors with the agility to make demand-driven decisions that enhance operational efficiency and customer engagement.

With industry-specific solutions that span the entire value chain of your business, with wholesale360 we help wholesale distribution companies prepare for growth, agility and innovation in times of continuous disruption and change.

Built for Wholesalers & Distributors

wholesale360 extends the power of the Microsoft cloud platform with pre-built industry solutions for your unique requirements. With AI-infused apps, deep data & analytics capabilities and modern workplace tools, you can harness the power of Microsoft to drive automation, real-time actionable insights and deliver results.

Solutions include:
• Business Insights
• Business Development
• Relationship Intelligence
• Customer Service
• Advanced Supply Chain Management
• Banking Automation
• Product Search
• Wholesale Blueprint

What makes wholesale360 unique?

Built on Microsoft’s proven and secure Azure cloud platform and Dynamics 365 platform, wholesale360 designed to meet industry challenges head-on, providing wholesalers and distributors with the agility to make demand-driven decisions that enhance operational efficiency and customer engagement.

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