

We supply web user interface of PHIS, HIS; and HCA system development solution

International Integrated Systems, Inc. (IISI) is a large-scale international professional benchmark company of information and communication technologies for system implementation and software development.

Healthcare Certification Authority(HCA) System Development Solution, which provides reading confidential data, medical records approval; or application of telemedicine and virtual NHI card in the future.

We also supply HybridHIS, which is a web user interface of PHIS, HIS, including Outpatient medical operations and management function, Preventive health care service, Health Insurance Declaration function, and Chronic disease case management function.

    • Pre-registration, appointments
    • Search interface of PharmaCloud System
    • Provide medical examinations and check-ups and drug prescription
    • Preventive health care services
    • Health Insurance Declaration
    • Upload medical examination records
    • Report output
    • Hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and kidney disease case management
    • Case management
    • Screening record management and report

Furthermore, IISI group service offerings include:

  1. Financial Sector- BankWiz, iBranch, ROD, BTSM
  2. IOT- Cell Broadcast System (CBS), iSurveillance, eWBS, DigSight
  3. Medical Care- iMoT, iHold, iHD, HybridHIS, Healthcare Certification Authority(HCA) app
  4. Information Security- Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS)
  5. New Technology-IISI Smart Chatbot

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