Видавець: Olvin Ltd
Almanac helps businesses grow with predictive analytics and AI-driven consumer intelligence.
Almanac is a self-service business intelligence platform that harnesses the power of AI to help brick and mortar industries. With location data as it’s cornerstone, the platform analyses billions of data points to understand how consumers behave offline. This analysis is then distilled to simple, meaningful insights that help physical retailers through performance, customer and predictive analytics.
An easy-to-use web application, Almanac was created to provide brick and mortar industries with the same depth of understanding that offline businesses have been enjoying for years. It provides users with a range of analytic tools to answer questions such as:
How am I performing relative to my competitors?
Who are the consumers that are important to my business?
How will my business be impacted in the future?
With a growing range of insights and analysis, Almanac provides the intelligence required for any proactive marketeer, retail manager, retail planner, or insights team.
Click through to start your free trial today.