ProcessMiner AI Platform for Manufacturing

Видавець: ProcessMiner Inc.

Reduce Variability, Increase Throughput & Improve Quality

ProcessMiner is an Artificial Intelligence Company offering a SaaS platform to the manufacturing industry. The real-time predictive analytics, process optimization, and actionable recommendations capabilities address the Product Quality challenges in complex manufacturing processes. ProcessMiner’s core IP includes the consumption of highly dynamic real-time data from manufacturing processes and utilizes Machine Learning, Deep learning, and automated AI modeling to predict product quality and provide prescriptive recommendation in Real-time during the production process. Benefits of the ProcessMiner platform include reduced variability and increased production throughput by 20%, on average. Optimization and consumption reduction of raw material and energy, as well as reducing the production downtime, are the other values delivered to the client. ProcessMiner AI Platform utilizes the various Microsoft Azure cloud services to deliver robust and highly scalable analytic capabilities in Real-time.

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