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Short your integration build time with a single API providing thousands of reliable data of SMEs
The Qard solution is designed for financing companies that want to control their credits risks and have access to all the information concerning their clients.
Qard has data on VSEs and SMEs from dozens of information sources, allowing it to establish complete reports and credit scores on companies.
Connect to your customers’ payment, open banking, e-commerce, or accounting tools and access the most relevant data to build your product.
Connect to your customers’ payment, open banking, e-commerce, or accounting tools and access the most relevant data to build your product.
Risk analysis
Make better decisions by getting instant access to legal and management data and analysing sales, financial and marketing performance (screening and underwriting).
Financing and anticipating future income
Track your customers’ future revenues by looking at due dates and amounts remaining on invoices issued by your customers or subscriptions sold.
Simplify your onboarding processes
Automate KYC/KYB, compliance, documents collection and access all the data you need to deliver a seamless customer journey and a successful user experience.
Want to see what Qard API can provide to your business ? Try our dashboard for free, and see how the API can be exploited
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