Видавець: SYNAOS GmbH

Intralogistics software to control mobile robots and forklifts in factories and logistics centers

Ready for the quantum leap into the intralogistics of the future? Our smart intralogistics software SYNA.OS LOGISTICS uses artificial intelligence and state-of-the-art cloud technologies to control mobile robots and forklifts in factories and logistics centers more efficiently. With SYNA.OS LOGISTICS our customers can save up to 30% of fleet size and can achieve up to 60% fewer delays in their intralogistics.

  • Hardware Independent: free fleet choice, independent of manufacturers for full flexibility.
  • Combined Fleet: integrated management of mobile robots and forklifts.
  • AI Optimized: event-based real-time optimization for your intralogistics processes.
  • Digitally Validated: safeguarding intralogistics processes through advance simulation.

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