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Bookigy the reservation system allows you to book a workplace anytime and anywhere
Book your workplaces efficiently
Bookigy the reservation system allows you to book a workplace anytime and anywhere. You can solve everything from a laptop and also via a mobile phone. Just choose what you need.
Booking of workplaces
- Let your employees reserve their workspace for the particular date and time they really need.
- Decomposing offices into buildings, floors and nests so that the right workplace can be identified as quickly as possible supports the idea of flexible seating.
- Reservations for yourself, on behalf of another person or for the whole team as needed. The system allows you to create a list of favourite places for faster booking and modification of booking parameters from a quick overview of upcoming bookings.
- Choose the location, workplace equipment or classification of colleagues.
- A new dimension of the problem at a time when flexible seating is expanding and no one has a fixed workplace. Finding a colleague will be much easier.
- Book the space for company meetings or team workshops according to your preferences or have them booked very easily.
With Bookigy Against COVID-19
Support for Smart Office Approach - Authentication and authorization of access to the application, flexible management of workplaces and spaces, intuitive operation and maintenance-free operation in the cloud support the concept of Smart Office. Besides, you can use valuable application data available in managerial dashboard to optimize your workspaces in terms of financial savings on operating costs as well as workflows.
Dynamic changes in on-site presence policy (according to hygiene and safety needs) - You can configure the percentage of occupancy as well as disable the reservation of specific jobs and thus regulate the reservation options and maintain distances. At the same time, you can monitor the development of occupancy in statistics and adapt it, for example, to the current development of the COVID – 19 pandemic.