Workplace Productivity with Microsoft Viva - Value Mapping: 6-Wk Proof of Concept

AMTRA Solutions Ltd

Enhancing Employee Experience in your organization through valuable insights and knowledge with Microsoft Viva.

AMTRA's Workplace Productivity with Microsoft Viva Value Mapping service begins with opportunity mining and value mapping, enabling organizations to understand their best approaches to using Microsoft Viva to drive Employee Experience outcomes. Once specific functions, processes and corporate offerings have been identified, AMTRA guides you through a prioritization process and then gets you started with solution prototypes in the most impactful areas. Through prototyping, adoption change management and value measurement services, your organization can understand the value of enabling Microsoft Viva, and chart a course forward.

Weeks 1 & 2: Microsoft Viva Workshop, Opportunity Identification • Discovery – Where are you now? What are your end goals? • Gather Pain Points – End user form • Identify use cases for Viva • Art of the possible

Report and recommendations, Guidance & Candidate Prioritization, Microsoft Viva Connections design • Prioritize use cases • Recommendations report • Microsoft Viva Connections planning – finalize the design

Weeks 3 and 4: Design and Communicate • Work with user group to design and customize Microsoft Viva Connections • Test and deploy • Build communication and training material

Week 5: Implementation • Implement Microsoft Viva Connections • Communicate with and train end users

Week 6: Usage and feedback gathering (variable), final report including roadmap for broader deployment

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