D365 Commerce: 10+Wk Implementation


Dynamics 365 Commerce: 10+ Weeks full Implementation including all standard features

Dynamics 365 Commerce: 10+ Weeks full Implementation

With this service we provide and end to end project implementation with a full Microsoft's certified team. Deploy a complete omnichannel solution that unifies the management of:

  • Products
  • Catalogs
  • Prices
  • Promotions
  • Customers
  • Sales
  • Returns

Integrate Backoffice with the different retail channels: in-store, eCommerce and Call center to optimize your retail operations. Following and agile methodologies, we are going to analyze and design the solution, implement all business requirements, and train and deploy on Production environments. Our methodology, concretely, is based on SureStep but in this service we try to optimize the timing in each phase thanks to our template:

  • Analysis & Design: Our goal is to show from the very beginning product, this way we are explaining how the system is going to work by our BPM template and task recorder in LCS.
  • Development: This phase is not included in this service because the budget is based on 100% out of the box functionality. If it happens, it would be considered as independent Change Request.
  • Training & UAT: critical phase where both teams have to be synchronized in order to teach properly how deploy stores and how the system works and test it with real business cases. During this phase the data migration continues by Axazure’s supervision but it will be the customer the responsible.
  • GoLive: together deploying stores and using the ERP until the first monthly financial closing.

Total time of implementation could be around 3 months. Complexity of the estimation, is based on total number of stores, number of business processes, functionality to consume, automations and integrations.

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