Microsoft 365 Strategic Roadmap Workshop


CDI provides this Strategic Roadmap workshop to identify workloads that can be migrated to Microsoft 365 and design a roadmap for you, our customer, to drive adoption and improve ROI.

CDI will perform a 2-week workshop to help identify Customer long term objectives in order to establish a strategic migration and adoption roadmap of Microsoft 365.

The workshop will encompass the following:

Envisioning Workshop and Data Capture:

  • Pre-Workshop Data Capture ** Software in use ** Infrastructure in use ** Policy/Procedures review ** Business Critical Applications ** Existing Integrations ** Current Tenant Configuration State
  • Open Discussion “Optimal Microsoft 365”
  • Focus Areas/Concerns
  • Business & IT Objectives Discovery & Analysis:
  • In Depth Discovery
  • Staff interviews
  • Policy/Procedure review
  • Integration between systems (The How and Where)
  • Support requirements and capabilities
  • Security and Compliance standards evaluation
  • Gap Analysis
  • Missing functionality and capabilities
  • Based on current licenses and requirements
  • Needed Roles/Responsibilities
  • Optimization evaluation
  • Technology overlap
  • Configuration Best Practice evaluation Deliverable Creation:
  • Findings Report Development
  • Findings Report Delivery
  • Refinement of Report
  • Executive Level Summary Deliverable Contents:
  • Findings ** Business & IT Objectives ** Current State Overview ** Target State Overview ** Findings Summary ** Detailed Findings Report Recommendation Contents
  • Transformation Strategy
  • Specific Initiatives.
  • 12 Month Roadmap
  • Cost-Benefit Overview
  • Key Next Steps & Actions

Xem nhanh