Ctelecoms Microsoft Viva Insights Workshop

Consolidated Telecoms (Ctelecoms)

Demonstrate how Microsoft Viva Insights enables people and businesses to thrive with data-driven, privacy-protected insights and recommendations to improve productivity and well-being.

Discover Microsoft Viva Insights that help individuals, managers, and leaders gain personalized insights and actionable recommendations that help everyone in the organization thrive. The workshop provides an in-depth exploration of Personal, Manager, and Leader insights with privacy controls and data analysis capabilities to:

  • Understand the impact of work patterns on productivity and well-being.
  • Provide privacy-protected insights and actionable recommendations.
  • Address complex challenges with advanced tools and capabilities.

What you can expect:

  • A prioritized list of business scenarios that can be addressed by deploying Microsoft Viva Insights.
  • Recommended preparation in terms of skills and best practices.
  • A roadmap outlining potential work-streams and dependencies with clear next steps.
  • An adoption framework.

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