Enterprisecloud Catalyst: 2-Week Envisioning & BVA Co-investment Workshops


Co-invest in future-proofing your organisation from disruption

Today, there are more solutions than ever to choose from on the market and you might not know where to start. Before committing to any software, you should take the time to evaluate and adequately scope your specific needs. This catalyst process will provide a structured and achievable technological roadmap to showcase your business case and ROI to Stakeholders with accelerated action toward the business outcome or goal. The Microsoft Catalyst programme is designed to help businesses analyse where they are, plan for the future, and create a solid plan and business case to enable and execute a strategy, all through innovative workshops and architect-led sessions.

The two-week process of Microsoft-structured Envisioning and Planning workshops will include: Day 1 | Kick-off and Catalyst Charter: Agree on scope and time. Day 2 - 7 | Stakeholder Interviews: one-on-one interviews with senior stakeholders to understand priorities and goals. Day 8 | Envisioning Workshop: This takes place in the Inspire phase, and is designed to help potential clients outline their current state. You will be asked to identify current challenges, product or process gaps, and areas for improvement Day 9 | Business Value Assessment: The Business Value Assessment, or BVA, is another essential exercise, as it helps further outline the project scope and quantify/qualify with a lens of value recognition. Day 10 - 14 | Solution Assessment: You will be thoroughly guided through solution assessments and demos to demonstrate the solution's value and suitability based on the Envisioning Workshop and Business Value Assessment.

Who should attend?

  • Business decision-makers
  • Other vital stakeholders (department managers, line managers, product managers etc.)

The outcome of this workshop will deliver clarification on: • Your future technological state • What challenges need to be addressed • Proposed technological solutions to your challenges • Business Value Assessment for the solution suitability • Stakeholder buy-in and support • A detailed, actionable plan for transformation and maturation • Risk mitigation plan • Change management

These Catalyst Envisioning workshops can be changed and tailored to suit your specific needs, and for that reason, the price is an estimate and could change depending on the complexity of your requirements.

Because this process envisions the future state of your organisation, we would like to walk this path with you, ensuring that long-term strategic goals are met. There is funding available to organisations that meet specific criteria, which means this entire engagement, or parts thereof, could potentially even be at no cost to you as we will co-invest in the future of your business. Contact us for a funding application form to apply. Funding is VERY limited and offered on a first-come-first-serve basis.

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