Microsoft Purview Data Security Advanced Quick Start 16-wk Implementation

Edgile, Inc.

The Microsoft Purview Data Security Quick Start is an accurate and reliable program that allows you to immediately leverage your Microsoft investments. You’ll receive high velocity, measurable outcome

Edgile Microsoft Purview Data Security Implementation is an accelerator in successfully deploying and implementing Microsoft Purview into your environment. Working with some of the largest companies in aerospace, manufacturing, healthcare, and financial services we have developed and deployed models to create a superb experience implementing Microsoft Purview to protect the data in your environment from intruders or malicious entities. We bring the technical expertise, world class Security architects, to enable companies to accelerate past the technical intricacies of implementing Data and Information security technology into their environments.

Deliverables: • Classify sensitive data at rest in the Microsoft 365 cloud and on-premises content stores • Identify and prevent loss of data in motion in the Microsoft 365 cloud and managed endpoints • Identify and prevent data loss of content in non-Microsoft cloud storage locations • Produce data risk analytics by content sensitivity and traffic • (Advanced) Detect and govern sensitive information in on-premises infrastructure storage locations • (Advanced) Target one external cloud-based file storage repository, expanding that same capability into non-Microsoft cloud-based file storage locations with content classification data loss prevention

Scope included: • Heat map of current risks • Quick Start deliverables • Risks mapped to security frameworks • A secure cloud future state • List of security projects and dependencies • A strategy driving future success • An achievable roadmap to meet security goals

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