A half-day Workshop that provides an overview and deep understanding of Microsoft 365 eDiscovery Standard and Premium products.
A half-day Workshop that provides an overview and deep understanding of Microsoft 365 eDiscovery Standard and Premium products. This Workshop provides an opportunity for the Customer to bring their IT, Legal, Compliance, Public Disclosure, and other relevant teams together for education and training, to participate in meaningful conversations and hands-on exercises (where feasible), and to help the Customer mitigate risk and liability through the development of processes, procedures, and the use of technology.
This Workshop blends practical knowledge and application of Microsoft productivity and technical tools with additional context of relevance and impact on non-technical departments such as Legal, Compliance, Public Disclosure, and other relevant teams. The knowledge assists the Customer in being responsive to litigation-based information requests/demands, freedom of information-like requests, as well as helping establish expectation management when demanding information from litigants when those litigants make use of the Microsoft ecosystem. The more Customer’s specialists know about how to generate information in their own environment, the more they can challenge, as necessary, the results of other litigants’ responses to customers’ information demands.