Passwordless Starterkit 25 Yubikeys, 4h Workshop

Onevinn AB

Introduction to Passwordless with 25 YubiKeys – get an understanding of what the Passwordless technology is and what you can achieve with Yubikeys

Onevinn´s introduction workshop to to Passwordless with 25 YubiKeys – Allows you and your organization secure your employees identities with passwordless technology from Microsoft 365 Azure Active Directory. Imagine a world where users no longer need to set, reset, forget, and reset again multiple passwords. Passwords are known as the weakest link for enterprise security and are an obstacle to streamlined customer journeys and internal processes. To secure our employers identity is often a challenge, especially in the environments where users often share devices or don’t have access to a mobile phone. Onevinn is a certified gold partner to Yubico and a gold partner to Microsoft, making them experts on Microsoft Security and YubiKeys. Onevinn’s long experience with Security, Identity and Access Management makes them a great partner to help You begin jour Passwordless Journey! With the exciting news of YubiKey passwordless authentication now being generally available to Microsoft’s Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) users, we are now able to take a critical step toward achieving better security without compromising usability. Nearly three years ago, Yubico started on this journey with Microsoft and brought the first FIDO2-enabled security key to the market. Now organizations can finally rollout passwordless authentication across their hybrid environments at scale. Users get a familiar, simple to use authentication experience that offers industry best security and works across an increasingly broad set of devices and services. But how do you get started? How do you deploy YubiKeys securely to your employees? What to do if an employee leaves the company or loses their YubiKey? How does these questions change depending on having a cloud, hybrid or on-prem environment? To give answers to these questions, and many more, Onevinn now offers this workshop to help you get started on your passwordless journey.

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