In-Office Planner Power Apps Development

Softlanding Solutions Inc.

The In-Office Planner Power App is designed to provide a way for your staff to indicate when they intend to be at the office on a particular day so that their colleagues can plan to go in to see and w

The In-Office Planner Power App is designed to help modern offices manage the transition to hybrid work. The app provides a way for your staff to indicate when they intend to be at the office on a particular day so that their colleagues can plan to go in to see and work with them in person. As part of this process, the app conveniently enables employees to book an available shared / hot desk space. The app can be embedded into Microsoft Teams and/or your Intranet site to make access very easy.

Main characteristics:

  • Users can plan to join their co-workers who intend to be at the office when they want to go in.
  • An entry is added to the user’s Outlook calendar indicating which hot desk they have booked.
  • Users can cancel their plan to be in the office and /or the hot desk they have booked if they don’t need it anymore.

How does the app work? Book a desk/hot desk The app enables employees to indicate they are working at the office and optionally book a hot desk or a space for the full day or half a day based on availability.

Custom Add-ons The following features can be created and added to the app to meet your unique requirements at an additional cost. We can also build additional custom features based on your needs. Please contact us for a quote.

  • Multiple locations: Multiple location scenarios can be supported .
  • Capacity limit: You can limit the maximum capacity of the office or floor. Once the capacity is reached, people won’t be able to book a desk.
  • Seat assignment: You can assign seats to employees who need a permanent desk.
  • Custom permissions: You can control who has access to what desks in the office. You can only show the desks that are available and are not available.
  • Floor plan management: You can manage the desk and view the data using a map view of the office.
  • Flexible reservations: Predefined intervals and custom times can be configured for flexible reservation rules for each desk.
  • Screening questionnaire: To simplify the health and safety screening, a custom questionnaire can be automatically sent before the reservation date.
  • Visitor Management: we can build custom features to streamline your visitor management experience. Features can include guest pre-registration, digital check-in process, automated host notification, etc. Since every organization has a unique way to handle visitors, contact us to discuss your needs.
  • Desk Analytics: Keep track of how many people are in the office and get insight into space use to optimize your layout and real estate costs.

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