Cash Desk Management
bởi IT.integro sp. z o.o.
Improved and flexible cash desk operation management with enhanced cash balance control and reports
Cash Desk Management provides functionality for controlling cash desk operations within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. It allows you to flexibly define the setup for processing and reporting cash desk operations, ensuring compliance with workflow and rules set for cash operations and cash desk documents in your company. The master setup of the Cash Desk Management application is defined on the Cash Desk Card page.
Extended Setup
Cash Desk Management adds additional settings to Business Central, including:
- cash desk card setup,
- a cashier authorized to post operations processed at a given cash register,
- the currency used for cash desk operations,
- the number series for the cash desk accounts used for recording cash operations,
- the number series for cash desk documents,
- the posting group of the bank account in which cash operations are recorded,
- source code assigned to a cash desk to be used in transaction entries,
Processing Cash Desk Operations
With additional capabilities for processing cash desk operations, Cash Desk Management enables the Business Central user to:
- enter, post, and print cash desk documents including cash receipts and cash withdrawals,
- create and print the cash desk report,
- use multiple cash desk registers with different currencies,
- settle the receivable and payment amounts directly,
- block
posting of cash desk documents, if posting results in a negative balance at a
cash desk,
- use global dimensions on cash desk documents
- edit the shortcut dimensions on cash desk documents;
- select the payee and pay-to-vendor.
- create new cash desk reports for current and periodic control of cash desk operations; incl.:
- Cash Desk Receipt and Cash Desk Withdrawal reports (test and final versions),
- Cash Desk Report (selected transactions per period),
- Cash desk operation processing in Business Central
- Enhanced reporting and control of cash operations with a cash desk report:
- Control over exceeded balance limits at cash desks
- Easier settlement of cash desk transactions
See the brochure.
Learn more
- Documentation
- Contact us at
Supported Editions
Cash Desk Management can be used with either the Essentials or Premium version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported Countries
All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is availableSupported Languages
English (United States), Polish (Poland)
Other language versions are available on request.