
bởi Apollogic sp. z o.o.

Make a reservation for desk in your office

End the problem of unavailable desks and organizational chaos.

Make efficient use of your available office space with an application that supports a modern approach to work organization.

The desk reservation application is perfect for a dynamic work environment where flexibility and mobility are key elements. It allows a company to make efficient use of available office space while adapting to the changing needs of employees. Employees are free to reserve workspaces, even if they are not assigned permanent desks on a daily basis, for example, duedaily

Typical use cases:

  • When an employee who most often works remotely plans to work in the office, they reserve a desk for specific days

  • A team is planning a meeting and wants to check the availability of desks in the area to ensure there are enough seats for the whole group

  • When two different people plan to occupy the same space, the system automatically informs you of a reservation conflict


  • Effectively manage workspace availability, eliminating conflicts and providing certainty to employees about desk access.

  • Work on an office plan that is consistent with your organization's actual workspace layout

  • Automatic synchronization with the user's calendar and integration with Microsoft Teams.

  • Interactive office map, showing desk availability in real time.

If a customer is interested, we will approach implementation individually and at this stage things such as the name, design etc. can already be tailored to each individual customer.  

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