Event Management for Federations and Councils

bởi Systems Limited

Event Management and Advanced Analytics for Federations and Councils

EAFC Overview

EAFC automates and manages multiple types of registration, customize participant agendas, collaborate with internal and external stakeholders in real time, and manage potential leads generated from events. Digital interactive kiosks a self-service advanced solution brings ease of use to clients.

From invoicing, collection, region wise taxation, special offers management and payments. Scalable to integrate with any financial system. A solution that provides financial visibility and true ROI. Dynamic dashboards and reports provide an in-depth comprehensive view of tasks.

With AppSource, we’re curating an event management content pack along with add-ons that deliver business value on top of Microsoft Solutions on the secure Azure Cloud.

EAFC Product Features

•       Comprehensive event Registration sales order management

•       Digitally enabled solution with Self-Service Kiosk

•       Effective lead management

•       Event financial management

EAFC Key Differentiators

•        Organization/ Individual Subscription Management

•        Company / Customer Membership Type, Price Group Management

•        Discounts/bulk registration/ renewals Management

•        Self Service Kiosk

•        Customer Service Management

•        Taxation

•        Price Group Categories e-g Silver, Gold Platinum

•        Product bundle Selling

•        Payment Scheduling

•        Web portal/ commerce channel for social media integration

Core Industry

•       Government Sector, Retail, Banking & Finance, Telco  & IT Services, Hospitality, Educational, Health

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