
bởi Achievers

(62 xếp loại)

Recognize colleagues in the Achievers platform without leaving Microsoft Teams.

The Achievers Employee Engagement Platform combines the highest-adopted employee recognition software with the Allie Active Listening Interface™ to deliver a complete employee engagement solution. This Achievers for Microsoft Teams App puts recognition in the flow of work by adding the ability to show appreciation for colleagues’ great work right from within Teams. Once installed, the app will appear along with other apps in Teams. A simple Microsoft Teams command starts the recognition.\nPlease note that you must have an Achievers account to use the Achievers Microsoft Teams app.\nInterested in learning more about Achievers? Visit In order to use the Achievers app, users need to have an active Achievers account. Achievers is an enterprise application and is not available for independent users. To find out more check out

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