bởi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Download data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Data (FRED).
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Data (FRED) Add-In is free software that will significantly reduce the amount of time you spend collecting and organizing macroeconomic data. The FRED Add-in provides free access to over 800,000 data series from various sources (e.g., BEA, BLS, Census, and OECD) directly through Microsoft Excel.
Key Features:
One-click instant download of economic time series
Quick and easy data frequency conversions and growth rate calculations
Instant refresh and update of spreadsheets with newly released data
NEW: Improved data return speed
NEW: Descriptors for frequency (eg, biweekly, ending Monday), aggregation method (eg, sum, average, end of period), and seasonal adjustment
NEW: Simplified selection of data frequency (eg, monthly, MONTHLY, M, or m)
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