
bởi Virtual Board SRL

(1 xếp loại)

VBoard is a collaborative whiteboard designed from the ground up for online teaching

You can use VBoard very effectively for:

  • Online teaching: take your teaching experience completely online and take advantage of mobile readiness for VBoard
  • Hybrid teaching: using VBoard with smart boards, students in the classroom can cooperate with students that are remote
  • Online tutoring: bridge the distance between students and teachers and use individual boards for students of different levels
  • Take quick tests: test you students by using the individual boards to monitor their activity in real time

App Features

VBoard provides functionalities developed with teachers to make the online teaching experience easier:

  • Individual boards: this allows you to take your current whiteboard and distribute it to all your students
  • Control the teaching process: only allow students to write on the whiteboard when you want to
  • Paste from anywhere: use the windows clipboard to build you lesson
  • Library: save individual boards for later use in our library

Individual boards

Our individual boards functionality allows you to:

  • View each student and what they are doing in real time
  • Interact with each student while they are working on their own notebook
  • Pause a session to offer more explanations about the current subject
  • Stop a session and view all the results for all students
  • Take quick tests

Chức năng của ứng dụng

Khi bạn sử dụng, ứng dụng này
  • Có thể gửi dữ liệu qua Internet
  • Ứng dụng này có thể truy nhập thông tin cá nhân trên thư hiện hoạt, chẳng hạn như số điện thoại, địa chỉ bưu điện hoặc URL. Ứng dụng này có thể gửi dữ liệu đến một dịch vụ bên thứ ba. Không thể đọc hoặc sửa đổi các mục khác trong hộp thư của bạn.

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