bởi aisys media GmbH

Interactive Presentations, Q&A and Confidential Voting in Microsoft Teams

Enhance your Microsoft Teams meetings with **TEDME**, an app that enables live polls, Q&A sessions, and confidential voting directly within your Teams environment. \n **TEDME** brings everything you need into one place, allowing both moderators and participants to interact seamlessly without leaving the Teams platform. **TEDME** ensures that every voice is heard. Our interactive presentations enable participants to vote directly within their Teams window, eliminating the need to switch tabs or use additional devices. Capturing real-time feedback and optimizing meetings has never been easier. \n Our app offers a range of interactive features, including live polls, quizzes, word clouds, and Q&A sessions. Transform your audience into active contributors, fostering meaningful discussions, facilitating brainstorming sessions, exchanging opinions, and enhancing the learning experience. **TEDME** helps make meetings more inclusive and valuable. One of **TEDME**'s standout features is its ability to conduct authenticated and confidential voting. This functionality allows you to make sensitive decisions or gather confidential opinions without compromising security.\n Integrating **TEDME** with Microsoft Teams is seamless and effortless. Simply add the **TEDME** app to your Teams meeting and select the presentation you have already created in your **TEDME** account. With **TEDME**, your meetings become interactive and engaging, fully harnessing your team's potential.\n Promote engagement and empower your team with **TEDME**. Get the app now and discover how easy it is to make your meetings more interactive and effective. Register for a free **TEDME** account today.

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  • Ứng dụng này có thể truy nhập thông tin cá nhân trên thư hiện hoạt, chẳng hạn như số điện thoại, địa chỉ bưu điện hoặc URL. Ứng dụng này có thể gửi dữ liệu đến một dịch vụ bên thứ ba. Không thể đọc hoặc sửa đổi các mục khác trong hộp thư của bạn.

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