Custom Calendar by Akvelon

bởi Akvelon

Microsoft PBI Certified
(28 xếp loại)
Tải xuống mẫuHướng dẫn

Customize how you visualize day-to-day data with this easy to use Custom Calendar

Akvelon’s Custom Calendar for Power BI is the best way to view and display daily data from any source. Import data from sources such as Excel sheets, CSVs, SQL, and more for a custom view to visualize payroll, attendance, traffic, project hours, 'and many others that can be reported daily. This tool provides significant insight into daily activities in a fraction of the time.


Custom Calendar supports one date field and as many measurable columns  necessary to your project. The data is then displayed by colored sections within each calendar day based on a percentage of total data available for that day.


Not only does the Custom Calendar present your data in a clear and simple  fashion, it also allows for in-depth formatting customization options. Change font styles, calendar colors, and calendar sizes to fit your needs.


Total features of Akvelon’s Custom Calendar for Power BI include:

  • Fixed and relative start and end dates
  • Multiple numbers of metrics
  • Customizable Formatting
  • Cross selection




- Incorrect selection behavior when calendar has multiple metrics

- Tooltip issues

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