Dumbbell Chart by MAQ Software


(9 xếp loại)
Tải xuống mẫuHướng dẫn

Display critical business measures and show changes over time or across various categories.

Dumbbell Chart by MAQ Software helps users analyze changes in critical data. This visual consists of a dual-axis combination chart: one axis of is marked by a circle, the other is marked by a line that spans data points provided by the user. Dumbbell Chart by MAQ Software is ideal for illustrating change and comparing the distance between data points. R package dependencies (auto-installed): plotly and ggplot2.

Key features:

  • Display the performance of multiple indicators.
  • Compare the growth or loss of indicators across various categories.
  • Quickly download an image of the chart with the capture image widget.

For any feature requests or questions about this visual, please send an e-mail to our team at

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