Applicant Tracking System

bởi Precedent HR

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ATS is an online tool that helps you choose the right top talent for your jobs.​

Job Management

  • Post jobs to dozens of the web’s most popular job boards and social networks.
  • Edit and manage job postings at any time through our easy to use software.
  • Fully mobile application allows you to post jobs anytime anywhere.
  • Manage, and maintain job openings, requests, and position acquisitions.​

Applicant Tracking and Management

  • All of your applicant information in one centralized location including resumes, ratings, application date and more.
  • View applicant profile equipped with all the applicants contact information, certificates, resumes, degrees and ratings included.
  • Manage offer letters of prospective applicants, as well as monitor number of open positions available.
  • Manage & sort all applications, upload resumes, filter through resumes using resume parsing, keep track of application progression.
  • Store applications for later job postings and future positions.
  • Searchable resume database.

Calendar & Interview Scheduling

  • Schedule interviews and send notifications to the interviewer along with the applicant.
  • Sync ATS with your Microsoft, Google, or Apple calendars so you can schedule interviews with ease.
  • Receive alerts prior to interviews as not to miss appointments.

Hot Matches

  • Match applicants based on keywords to find the perfect candidates for each position.
  • Percentage based algorithm that matches applicants based on skills they have and skills you want
  • View hot matches for applicants of a posted job and applicants from similar job posts that haven’t applied yet, allowing you to choose the best fit whether they applied or not.


  • Personalize parameters of the program, including colors, fonts, company logos and layout.
  • Multi-platform solution, can be integrated with your current HR software.
  • Integrate directly to you career page so jobs posted in ATS will appear on your website as well.
  • Customize User profiles adding profile pictures, and social media urls.

User Management

  • Create, manage and grant access to users to get your whole recruiting team involved. ​
  • Notification system for each user profile, letting you know when you have a task to complete.
  • Email notifications to each user to easily stay up to date with the hiring process.
  • Custom User Dashboards for quick updates.


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