Transition from outbound real-time: 5-day Assessment

Nexon Asia Pacific Pty Ltd

Assessment of moving from outbound to real-time marketing in Dynamics 365

Are you planning your move to real-time Marketing?

Dynamics 365 Marketing is changing. Microsoft have announced that all future investments into the Dynamics 365 Marketing app will be in real-time marketing only. Existing Dynamics 365 Marketing users need to plan a phased, incremental transition from outbound to real-time marketing features to ensure smooth future operations and to take advantage of the latest innovations.

That’s where we come in. Our expert Dynamics 365 customer engagement and power platform solution architects have been working with the marketing app since its inception and our status as a Microsoft business applications solution partner means we stay on-top of the product roadmap; we know which features are coming up and we can help you plan your campaigns to take best advantage of your investment in martech. Our consultants have been involved in deploying, training and configuring the Marketing app for hundreds of customers. We know the best practice and the gotchas.

Our 5 day outbound to real-time marketing assessment service works in 3 phases:

  1. Understand your current campaigns and processes.
  2. Identify the individual transition processes for each individual feature.
  3. Develop your personalised transition roadmap.

This service is exclusively available to existing Dynamics 365 Marketing app users in Australia and New Zealand for a fixed cost of $10,000 AUD (ex. GST).
