BC Subscription Mgmt: 1-hour free implementation

Theta Systems Limited

Quick start your use of the Subscription Management for Business Central app publishers with this 1 hour workshop session.

We will help you to integrate your Business Central extensions with the Subscription Management for Publishers to get you going with your own monetarization of your apps

The Subscription Management app for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offers your own monetarization solution, where only you have access to.

We offer a 1-hour online session to get you going with your integration. One hour is all its take. You learn about the features, the concept and how to configure the tool yourself.

Agenda for the 1-hour session:

  • Review your monetarization problems or challenges you are trying to solve
  • Assist in setting up your Stripe account
  • Assist with the configuration of one of your apps

Learn more about the Subscription Management app here in AppSource
