Quality Control Management - QC

作者 Dhyey Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.

(1 评分)

A complete solution for Quality Control Management with Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Quality control is a set of measures and procedures to follow and ensure that the quality of a product is maintained and improved against a set of benchmarks and that any errors encountered are either eliminated or reduced.

Dhyey Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd has developed the quality control add-on in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to identify products that meet the company’s specified standards of quality through inspection process.

Quality control addon provides functionality ensures that incoming materials and finished products are as per standard and consistent thru Various stages like, Batch / Lot inspection, Sampling, Validation of results, Test certificate and release the item / product, move rejected items to different location, restrict consumption and selling of items which are under inspection or failed.


1. Support both types of items: tracking enabled items Lot/Sr no. and non-tracking items.

2. The system supports process capability analysis (Cp and Cpk), which is a statistical tool used to assess whether a process meets specified requirements. By utilizing derived values, the system calculates values for each test parameter including minimum, maximum, mean, sum, range, variance, UCL, LCL, standard deviation, Cp, Cpu, Cpl, Cpk and Levey–Jennings chart.

3. Examine the vendor's performance through QC inspection. This covers the quality performance (acceptance and rejection) of received quantities and receipts for a particular period.

4. Support various Sampling methods: Fixed, Parentage of lot size or variable lot size as per Inspection level of AQL (Acceptance Quality Level) table.

5. Parameter/Attribute test criteria: Measurement Parameter values: target and acceptable ranges in approximate and %, Visual observation in text or option - selection from pre-defined values, define Test- defect categories with AQL values, Acceptance and Rejection numbers.

6. Define test plans in accordance with variants, vendors, customers, operations, location and source types such as purchase order, sales order, sales return order, in-house production order (in-process operations and final/last operation) and subcontract production, including both types of items, non-tracking and tracking enabled items.

7. QC can be performed on subcontract items for subcontract Production / purchase orders. If the subcontract items are not tracked, all operations can be included, but for tracked items, only the last operation in routing can be included.

8. Create orders for inventory / Stability test any time, on periodic or on expiry date or before sale to match customer requirement or production consumption.

9. Define formulas in the test plan for items using test parameters and mathematical operators and receive an auto-calculated result in quality order by entering observed values or results of the test parameter included in the formula for calculation.

10. By defining an expression for a specific test parameter, the format of the observed value can be restricted. In cases where specific formats of data are needed, like decimal places or a combination of text and numbers.

11. Create Quality Orders auto from source document while posting, manually later based on setup. Create Re-inspection orders to re-inspect/re-test the quarantine batches.

12. Assign third party lab –Agency in quality order, maintain audit logs and attach certificate.

13. When the number of samples is high, use a parameter value entry worksheet for easy and fast data entry. Shorten the list by using filters like document type, sample ID, parameters, and test device.

14. Quality order result compare: View and compare determined values of parameters from all samples of Item offered for inspection in Tabular and chart format.

15. Choose the inventory lot based on parameters: Examine the item with the lot or Sr number available in inventory and compare its determined parameter values during quality check to match with customer or production requirements. It will aid in the selection of suitable lots for both sales and consumption.

16. Creates Non-Conformity report, execute Corrective and Preventive action with disposition and allow revalidation of results.

17. Move failed items after QC to quarantine location/bin automatically based on setup.

Supported Editions

This app supports the Essential and Premium edition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries

Canada, India, United Kingdom, and United States. Supported Languages English only.
