Data Entry Workflow


Master data entry made easy & hassle-free with configurable, data entry workflow templates in D365FO

Have your master data creation efforts been hampered due to an inadequately set up workflow or a lack of user collaboration? Have you found it difficult to integrate the data entries made by different users on different applications before it reaches the final approval stage? To-Increase’s Data Entry Workflow can help ensure smooth and accurate data entry with improved user collaboration!
Key Benefits
• Ensure the availability of configurable workflow templates for step-by-step data entry
• Provide business users with easy-to-understand data entry forms
• Guide users with only the fields they are responsible for to ensure a smoother data entry process
• Enable approvals for master data without development efforts
• Get insights on master data creation and update status
• Realize your company's digital transformation for an end-to-end data entry process
Key Features
• Data entry workflow template designer to define various steps with the required fields, set up user assignments, set time limits, and manage the approval process.
• Modern form recording tool to easily create data entry workflow templates by selecting fields from the standard application forms, without any need for in-depth technical knowledge.
• Compact and user-friendly data entry form for users where they will have the option to complete a step at once or to complete it in multiple iterations.
• An approval step to validate the most important fields, request for a change where required, and to approve, reject, or delegate the data update task to another user.
• Standard alert functionality to notify users of new step assignments and tasks that are due, based on the time limits.
• Integration with other solutions in the Master Data Management Suite, such as the Data Quality Studio and the Master Data Management Studio.
