
作者 PowerObjects An HCL Company

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Live chat and track conversations from visitors on your website within CRM for Dynamics 365.

PowerChat users are able to interact and track conversations with visitor to their web page, all from within Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Open lead and contact records automatically when a chat begins or create a new record directly from the PowerChat window.


  • Create lead and contact records in your CRM directly from chat window.
  • Assign PowerChat agents to specific topics or departments.
  • Invite multiple PowerChat agents to join the conversation.
  • View web page visitors in real time.
  • Widget designer enables users to customize each chat widget.
  • Response timer displays how long a visitor has been waiting for an agent to respond to a chat.
  • Live chat transcript displayed in the activity section on a record.

Don't Forget To Register Your Add-On!

Once the PowerPack add-on is imported into your CRM, make sure to register it! For instructions on how to register your PowerPack Add-on, check out the FAQ in the Learn More section below.
