Selah Eltelmeez
作者 selaheltelmeez for printing and publishing
Enjoy a unique educational experience With Selah Eltelmeez.
Selah Eltelmeez is a curriculum-based e-learning platform that provides edutainment experience for primary schools and help students, parent and teachers through different personalized features.
* Videos that explain lessons across all subjects
* Variety of interactive games and exercises
* Questions’ Bank that includes 60,000+ questions
* Different learning activities
* Multiple quiz formats
* Close in look on Student list he had.
* Different types of reports to instantly track the kids’ academic performance.
* Acting as a smart assistant for everyday tasks
* Flexible communication with the students and parents
* Autocorrection feature for unlimited number of questions and exams
* Allowing sending personalized and self-prepared assignments
Want to get started?
If you don’t have account, you need to create new account through [Sign up](
If you already have an account you can start from [Sign In]( first.
For any question or need any help, please don't hesitate to [contact with us](
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