Advanced Gauge - xViz

作者 xViz LLC

Microsoft PBI Certified
(14 评分)

Compare Actual vs. Target with Dual-Axis & Color-Coded Alerts for upto 2 KPIs!

The xViz Advanced Gauge chart is a type of data visualization that is often used to show one or more data values in a quantitative context that shows whether a data or measurement is within, below, or above a certain range of values.

It is an excellent choice for executive dashboards. Moreover, it is particularly effective in instances where the expected value of the data is already known; thus, business departments, managers, and employees can easily understand where they stand with that specific metric just by looking at the chart.

Key Feature Highlights:

  • Dual axis – Ability to measure more than one KPI, especially if the KPIs are closely related, such as Sales and Revenue of a category. Compare the KPIs against each other and the progress against the goals
  • Gauge Style – Choose from three different gauge layouts – circle, arc, and semi-circle
  • Conditional Formatting – Generate colored zones within the gauge to highlight outliers based on set rules.
  • Axis Options – Choose from multiple axis options to enhance your visualization and configure axis label text, color, and reverse axis.
  • Data labels – Have full flexibility on how to display the data and fully customize the data labels for primary, secondary, actual, and target values.

Why choose xViz visuals?

  • Trusted by 2000+ customers, including most Fortune 500 companies

  • Over 2M+ downloads across 40+ countries

  • Lumel, as the organization, is the #1 Power BI Visuals ecosystem leader with 20+ visuals spanning all use cases making us the one-stop shop for all your Power BI use cases for features/functionality gaps unmet by native Power BI.

To know more about how the visual can empower your reporting in Power BI, visit - Advanced Gauge Resources

Have any feature requests or queries about the visual? - Reach us at xViz Community

The visual contains some Pro Features and additional purchases are required to unlock the full potential in Power BI Service - Learn more


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