Analyze how users interact with reports published in Power BI Online
The Power BI Tracker is a custom visual component designed to help you analyze how users interact with reports published in Power BI Online. This visual component sends usage information to an instance of Azure Application Insights, which needs to be configured beforehand.
User Types / Business Use Cases:
Reporting Managers, Project Managers, Developers, Administrators, powerBI /Azure Administrators.
Track the effectiveness of reports: Use the extension to evaluate which reports are most effective and which ones need improvement. You can analyze usage metrics, session duration, as well as viewing frequency or user interaction with filters.
Report and Dashboard auditing: You can perform regular audits of reports and dashboards. The extension can help record interacts with the Dashboard.
Report delivery optimization: You can use event tracking to determine the best time and format for report delivery. This ensures that reports reach the right recipients in a timely manner.
Assessing report adoption: You can analyze the pattern of report adoption in the organization and take action to promote the use of key reports among users.
Identifying trends and patterns in reports: By tracking user behavior you can identify emerging trends and usage patterns in reports, which can lead to the creation of new reports or better tailored dashboards.
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