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Monitor your licenses, applications and devices in this Power BI based report.
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This is a paid service, but you can try it for free by signing up for our 30 day trial:
SAM One brings together device, license and application information from Microsoft Intune and Azure in one easy-to-read and easy-to-use report. SAM One aims to make the life easier for IT managers and decision makers who need detailed insights to make strategic decisions.SAM One helps mitigate three primary pain points
- Unsecured applications – an uncontrolled application pool can cause pose major security risks.
- Costly Licenses – rushed purchasing strategies and an excessive license pool can quickly rack up costs.
- Unmanaged devices – employees usually don't mean to act maliciously, but can still put the organization at risk when using their devices.
Dashboards in the SAM One report
- Overview – a general overview that displays the geographical distribution of devices and users, and the proportion of users with one/multiple devices and devices with single/multiple versions of installed applications.
- Installed Applications – this view collects the amount and names of applications found on company devices, as well as a list of devices. Explore detailed views of applications or devices to see where an app is installed or what apps a device has installed.
- Users – here your organization’s users can be found and filtered based e.g., on user type, office or department. Use this view to find users of interest and drill down to view detailed information about their devices, licenses and more.
- Licenses – see an overview of the Microsoft licenses in your organization. SAM One shows the total amount, how many that are assigned as well as unassigned. Drill down to see which users that have a specific license.
- Devices – all the devices enrolled in Intune appears in this list. Filter devices based on e.g., location, manufacturer or compliance state. Drill through to see detailed device, user or license information associated with each device.