mirro's Enterprise Transactable

作者 Inc

Find and annotate emotions in audio files to assess speaker's emotions, energy, and positivity.

Calls recorded for quality and training purposes are data rich with valuable insights that will directly impact the bottom line for your business.

Manually mining for such insights in the recorded media is time-consuming and labor-intensive.'s Enterprise quickly processes all your recordings and extracts audio snippets with actionable insights for your business. mirro's Enterprise does it fast with minimal cost and increases your team's productivity.

mirro's AI is trained to scan large media file(s) and locate media snippets that capture key moments like stress, fatigue, engagement, and rapport, worthy of your attention and analysis.

mirro's report is excellent training and coaching material for your team's continuous improvement and progress tracking.

mirro's Enterprise features:
  • Batch analysis for a large number of recorded media (audio and video)
  • Extracts and reports green & red key moments as per the requirements of the business scenario.
  • Supports all human languages and cultures.
  • Reduces listening time by more than 60%

Use case - Dispose of the least favorite part of a reviewer's job:
  • Randomly selecting calls to review leads to missing numerous valuable insights.
  • Manually listening to the call recordings for actionable insights is daunting and time-consuming.
  • A human reviewer can manage only three hours of quality listening time daily.
  • mirro pre-selects insightful calls, reduces the number of calls to listen by 40%, and tags the "key moments" within the call, reducing the listening time by more than 60%.
  • mirro provides a report with key-moment snippets and coaching tips, which the reviewer can quickly assess and send to colleagues for appropriate business actions.

Audience - Mood Analyzer supports:

Call center scenarios: Recruitment Calls, Sales Calls, Support Calls, Interviews

Languages: mirro works on voice tones and analyzes all human languages and cultures.

Media: Audio only and video with audio
