Data Map App

作者 Attadale Partners, LLC

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Filter, analyze, and present US demographic data, displayed on a map for easy data storytelling

The Attadale Data Map App (DMA) allows users to easily leverage US Census demographic data for analysis and decision support. The DMA includes formatted datasets at the state and county level, the most popular demographic filters, and formatted queries for easy data access, inside the power of Power BI for no-code, rapid data visualization and exploration:

  • Unlock insights with a few clicks of a button! The ready-built, Power BI native app enables geospatial analysis to inform marketing, strategy, and operational decisions
  • Accelerate productivity by using the power of U.S. Census Data without the need for weeks of manual data manipulation and advanced engineering skills
  • Combine external data sources with your own Power BI ecosystem to find deeper insights, better understand your customers, and unlock new opportunities
  • User-defined analysis leveraging the most popular demographic filters such as age, sex, race, and ethnicity
  • All users have the same power for analysis, no view-only limitations like other apps
  • Easy license management for your company with a dedicated user-portal

Scalable and expandable! The Attadale Data Map App will be expanded with additional U.S. Census data elements, new data sources, drill down granularity, and advanced visualization techniques. Additional data (e.g., Bureau of Labor Statistics, proprietary user data), can be added upon request.
