作者 Concord III, LLC

Intelligent Data Extraction and Document Workflow

Let Concord Technologies' AI do the work of processing your documents

NEXTSTEP's Intelligent Data Extraction, Natural Language Processing and classification uses Artificial Intelligence to automatically detect the type of document you’ve received so it can be routed and prioritized for healthcare information workers. NEXTSTEP then scans the document for the data that matters to you and automatically extracts those fields, so you can focus on driving your business forward, rather than hunting and typing.

  • Faster

When inbound documents arrive, our AI technology automatically finds and extracts the data you need so you can eliminate the need for manual busy work and focus on the task at hand.

  • More Accurate

Remove the accidental errors made in manually typing information off documents. Quickly review all the automatically extracted data alongside the document to confirm accuracy.

  • Up-and-Running Quickly

NEXTSTEP is 100% cloud-based meaning there is no software to install and you can be up and running in a few days. No long-term commitments and you only pay for what you use.

Put your documents to work with NEXTSTEP

Concord’s mission is to eliminate the burden of manual document handling. We believe that the documents received by your organization should work for you, not slow you down. With NEXTSTEP Document Workflow, those documents become easier to process, and your organization can focus on analyzing data to improve outcomes. 

Concord facilitates your team's rapid, paperless access to inbound documents.

No More Printing

Concord brings efficiency to time-consuming, document-based workflows. Inbound documents can be received and processed directly within our interface, where users can search, edit, sign, redact, copy, split and merge pages and more.

Effortless Collaboration

Shared queues and folders give teams visibility into every step of a document’s journey. Users can see at-a-glance who is working on a given document, what actions they’ve taken, and how far that document has progressed through a workflow.

Route the Data You Need

With NEXTSTEP, image-based documents become searchable and interactive, so that it’s easy for users to quickly identify and copy the data that’s needed. Once users have captured the right data, it can be pushed into the EHR or system where it belongs.
